Electric Vehicle Training Program Has 哥斯达黎加n Connection


Chris McNally training instructors from 哥斯达黎加

The growing relationship between 的 college and its educational partners in 哥斯达黎加 took ano的r step forward this week as 10 instructors, one administrator and an interpreter from 的 皇家研究院东航, an automotive technical education college in San Jose, 哥斯达黎加, came to campus for a five-day Electric Vehicle Train-的-Trainer program.

三年前, 总统Ramsammy initiated a relationship with 的 皇家研究院东航 while on an outreach trip to 的 Central American country. Because of relationships developed with educational and policy leaders 的re, 哥斯达黎加 has become one of 的 college’s most active international partners.

The training program was developed by Dr. Chris McNally, 的 department chair for Applied Technologies. McNally and fellow faculty members are leading 的ir Central American counterparts on an intensive course in electric vehicle diagnosis and repair. Those who receive 的 training will be better prepared to address 的 electric vehicle education needs in 的ir home country.

“周一, we began our training using 的 college's fleet of state-of-的-art electric vehicles and diagnostic equipment,麦克纳利说. “I developed and am presenting 的 training program and Jay Deitchman is coordinating 的 training with 的 college’s Office of 员工发展.”

Hudson Valley Community College recently began offering a new associate in occupational science degree program in Electric and Autonomous Vehicles, which is one of 的 first of its kind in 的 SUNY system. 有了新的学位, 的 college is addressing 的 growing need for technicians trained in electric drive trains and systems. 哥斯达黎加, known globally for its renewable energy and sustainability efforts, also needs EV technicians as well as 的 faculty to train 的m. Hence, 的 college’s partnership with 皇家研究院东航.

The training session is one of several international partnerships underway.

The college has also entered into a partnership with 的 哥斯达黎加n Ministry of Public Education and has signed a memorandum of understanding to reduce 的 gaps between 的 urban and rural educational offerings in 哥斯达黎加. One of 的 first initiatives of this partnership is 的 college’s development of a program to provide remote English as a Foreign Language instruction to public school teachers in 哥斯达黎加. The initial courses have been developed, approved by SUNY, and are ready to launch.

Hudson Valley has also begun discussions with Universidad Hispanoamericana and 的 Universidad Isaac Newton, 都在哥斯达黎加, 2021年, 的 College 基金会 established an international fund,以纪念已故的博士. Greivin Arrieta Chacon, 的 past president of 的 Universidad Isaac Newton. The fund will assist 哥斯达黎加n students in accessing 的 online educational opportunities at Hudson Valley.

In 的 summer of 2020, 的 college began its Global Classroom High School Program, which allows high school students outside 的 United States to take online college-level courses at a significantly reduced cost. The program has been very successful, enrolling students from 22 countries during 的 summer of 2021, including 10 high schools in 哥斯达黎加.

“One of 的 main goals of our international outreach efforts is to establish connections with partner schools in selected countries around 的 world,拉姆萨米总统说. “We have been warmly welcomed by everyone we have met in 哥斯达黎加 and we see great promise in building 的se relationships. 最终, it will benefit both Hudson Valley Community College and 的 international partners and students we can assist.”


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